EB-3 Visa Skilled or Unskilled Workers Program

The name EB-3 stands for “Employment-Based Immigration: Third Preference”. This program is meant for foreign workers that want to be permanent residents in the USA. To be eligible, the candidate must apply under one of the following subcategories: “skilled worker”, “professional”, or “unskilled worker”.

Immigrating to the USA was never that easy! In addition, the program has no age, language proof, education, or net worth prerequisites. Also, spouses and unmarried children under the age of 21 can be included in the EB-3 application and become permanent residents of the USA too.

Since U.S government demands a labor certification and a permanent full-time job offer for all EB-3 applicants, one of those jobs can be the key to access permanent residency in the USA. Globe Advisory Services can provide a ‘turnkey’ solution to your immigration needs including selecting safe and secure employer for you.


* Fast Processing Period

* For Unskilled Workers Program – NO educations and skills needed

Don’t miss the opportunity to apply for the U.S. EB-3 program, be a Permanent Resident in the US and live your American Dream. You can count on us to help you during all the application process.